Ways to Jumpstart Healthy Changes In Your Life!

cyn1Our daily choices influence every aspect of our lives. It impacts whether you maintain vitality as you age or develop life shortening illnesses. When we think of healthy changes especially as a New Year’s resolution many of us think of the latest fad diets, but we all know they don’t work and some can be dangerous and unhealthy.

I believe a good and healthy change must be seen as a lifestyle change and NOT a temporary fix. The following is a simple plan to jumpstart your way to a healthy lifestyle:

1.)  Start of by selecting a goal that best fits you and are more likely to succeed. Pick your choice for change, just wanting to change is not enough!

2.) You must also commit yourself, make written/verbal promises and reasons on what changes you’ve chosen and why they matter and hold yourself accountable.cyn2

3.) Lastly, plan a simple reward every time you succeed, but base your reward according to your goals. And remember……nothing is impossible!  If you fall off the healthy wagon, get up and try again!  Tomorrow is a new day!

Cynthia Estrella, Licensed Massage Therapist

If you’d like to schedule a massage session with Cynthia, feel free to call our office at (661)942-5000.

Performance Chiropractic
1055 West Columbia Way, Suite 106
Lancaster, CA 93534