For most women, pregnancy is an exciting time. Every new Mom-To-Be plans for their new arrival and tries to give their baby its best chance to be happy and health. We read all the right books, eat right, drink enough fluids, sleep 8-10 hours per night, and continue to get regular exercise.
That’s the ideal picture of pregnancy. The reality may be slightly different. Pregnancy is a wonderful experience but it can be stressful physically, emotionally, and mentally. That’s where seeing your massage therapist can be a substantial benefit to any expectant mother. Massage during pregnancy can help reduce stress and promote overall well-being. It provides relief from the normal discomforts of carrying a child; backaches, stiff neck, leg cramps, headaches, and swelling in the hands and feet.
Regular massage can help reduce the stress on weight-bearing joints and encourages circulation of blood and lymph fluid to help the body rid itself of extra toxins.
Studies have further found that regular massage also relieves nervous tension and promote better quality of sleep which is so needed when preparing to care for a new baby.
If you have any questions regarding prenatal massage, please feel free to call us at (661) 942-5000.
Jenny Orr,
Licensed Massage Therapist
Performance Chiropractic